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Ukraine Comes Under Special Financial Attention by USA

25 January, 00:00

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, addressing the John Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies on January 18 said the Clinton administration plans to focus particular attention and resources on four key countries — Ukraine, Colombia, Nigeria, and Indonesia — that face serious challenges to sustaining democracy.

By referring to these countries Mrs. Albright did not mean that their movement toward democracy is regarded by the United States as approximately the same. These countries, she said, “differ markedly, each can be a major force for stability and progress in their regions. Each of these countries also is at a critical point along the democratic path.” Nor did she mention the scope of future financing, except that the United States is struggling to increase foreign aid. This is necessary and Mrs. Albright supported her point by citing this example: out of all federal disbursements Washington allocates just one cent per dollar for international affairs. Yet she is convinced that one cent per dollar can be important for one half of modern history and change the life of all Americans. By helping with the construction of democracy the world over, the United States is arranging for a better security for its citizens, providing new opportunities for economic growth, reducing the likelihood of becoming militarily involved in foreign military conflicts.

The US Secretary of State repeated what now seems a pet phrase: “Ukraine is a country that is key to building a secure and undivided Europe...” and added that this country, “although a candidate for ethnic discord... has maintained internal peace. It has held three competitive, albeit imperfect, presidential elections.” She believes that after reelection President Kuchma “won a clear mandate for far- reaching economic reform and further integration into European and global institutions.” Mrs. Albright referred to Viktor Yushchenko as “a strong reformer.”

Of course, it would be naive to expect that being listed among countries needing financial aid on a priority basis will cause a downpour of greenbacks from Uncle Sam. In her speech the Secretary of State mentioned Ukrainian corruption, crime, and oligarchs that “have used their political contacts to expand their empires.” Previously, Washington let it be known that it would give Ukraine another half year to show positive changes, no longer. Otherwise the flow of investment dollars will be directed elsewhere. Thus far, Mrs. Albright discovered only two positive aspects about Ukraine: the economy is still alive, and the Communists have not come to power.

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