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The Egyptian key

Yevhen MYKYTENKO: “The effectiveness of Ukraine’s policy in the Middle East will depend on the development of relations with Cairo”
04 September, 00:00
YEVHEN MYKYTENKO / Photo by the author

Today’s guest of the column “Ukraine in the World” is Yevhen Mykytenko, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine to the Arab Republic of Egypt. This Ukrainian diplomat has been working there since September 2006. Previously, he headed Ukrainian diplomatic missions to Saudi Arabia in 1990-2000 (simultaneously posted to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan), the Syrian Arab Republic (2000-01), and the United Arab Emirates, simultaneously occupying diplomatic posts in Qatar and Bahrain (2004-06). He has a command of English and Arabic.

Mr. Ambassador, you have great experience in working as an ambassador in a whole range of Arab countries. Therefore, I would like you to tell us what kind of policy Ukraine should be conducting in the Middle East and northern Africa.

“Ukraine is a state known to the Middle East. It has authority in this region and extensive experience of working there for dozens of years. Ukraine is not a terra incognita for Arabs and Jews.

“In today’s conditions the Middle East is experiencing a change of leadership generations. In particular, a new king is in power in Saudi Arabia, a new president in the United Arab Emirates, a new emir in Kuwait, a new president in Syria, a new king in Jordan, and a new leader in the Palestine Autonomy. Actually, the change of leadership has taken place in all these major centers of the Middle East, except for Egypt. Since 1981 the country has been headed by Hosni Mubarak, who enjoys great respect and authority not only in the Islamic world but among the world’s biggest players. Simultaneously, Mubarak is the ‘father’ in Egypt itself and has already been elected for a new presidential term. But time is passing and he is already 78. Middle Eastern experts think that in the next three or four years a change of leadership and a change of the leading elites await Egypt. But in Syria, for example, a change of leadership has taken place, but there the leading elites remain the same.

“Another important factor is the hot spots that still exist in the Middle East. These are the Palestine-Jewish conflict, the war in Iraq, Iran’s nuclear program, the complicated situations in the Sudanese province of Darfur and Lebanon, and tense Lebanese-Syrian relations. Here one has to take into account that most of the countries are conducting a pragmatic economic-diplomatic policy. The one who pays, for example, provides assistance, calls the tune. These are, first of all, the US, the EU, and Japan. It is a question of credits, free assistance, participation in joint ventures, and the common exploitation of energy carrier deposits. Among the other ways of assistance one can single out the Chinese way of penetration into the region. This is primarily a cheap labor force, which is qualified and quick in doing the job. China now enjoys great respect in the Middle East, and the economic penetration of China is extremely vast.”

Last year the mass media reported that Ukraine had lost its chance to take part in building the Trans-Arabian Oil Pipeline. Is this true?

“The Trans-Arabian Oil Pipeline is indeed being built. It is a small branch that starts in Egypt and ends in Turkey so far; with a possible extension to Constanta. Some parts of this pipeline have already been constructed, but they are not working yet. Some are being designed; others are being negotiated. Incidentally, the pipeline will pass through the territory of Jordan, Syria, and Turkey. Romania will probably take part in it. Our experts are aware of this and keep working on it. But at the moment it is more important for Ukraine to meet the engagements that it has undertaken. Last December a very important concession agreement was signed to exploit the deposit in Al-Shawish Ist.”

Would you comment on the old story of establishing a plant to build KrAZ (Kremenchuk Automobile Plant) vehicles?

“KrAZ is a well-known brand in the Middle East. These vehicles are on all Middle Eastern roads and many African roads and rugged terrains. In fact, KrAZ used to supply vehicles to Egypt. There were talks afterwards about modernizing KrAZ vehicles on the basis of European models, but on the territory of Egypt. Unfortunately, this project was not developed.”

What can you say about the penetration of Ukrainian military-transport airplanes or air liners in Egypt? Is there any progress?

“Ukrainian aviation in Egypt is mostly represented by Antonov planes. From time to time these planes go to repair depots in Ukraine or the United Arab Emirates. A contract to supply three AN-74 planes to Egypt was signed recently. The first one has already been supplied. The Egyptians are now waiting for two more. If these airplanes are supplied by the end of the year, Egypt will sign a contract for the supply of seven more similar planes.”

Let’s hope that Egypt will continue to make orders in the space sphere.

“Yes, I hope this will continue. In fact, the Egyptians have made some developments in this sphere. They have already ascertained that our technologies are truly high and modern. I want to note that all the contracts signed by Egypt have to undergo a tender control. A tender on constructing a new satellite for Egypt will take place by the end of this year. A European concern, Russia, and Ukraine are going to take part in it. I hope the experience of cooperation between these two countries will play its role.”

What can you tell me about the presence of Ukrainian business in Egypt? Does it need the support of the state?

“The presence of the state and of the inter-state commission on cooperation is very important. But unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, no meetings of this commission have been held in the past four years. At the same time, a comforting factor is that at the end of last year the Ukrainian-Egyptian Business Council was established, and it held its first session in Ukraine’s capital. The fourth session took place in Cairo. The council is working very actively. Various businessmen, who like working quickly, are involved in its activity.

“In the first half of this year we exported 420 million US dollars’ worth of goods to Egypt, and the nomenclature consists of 99 positions. Meanwhile, imports from Egypt totaled 36 million US dollars. The export of Ukrainian services totaled 18 million US dollars, while Egyptian services to Ukraine generated nearly 20 million dollars. This means that trade turnover between Egypt and Ukraine was 0.5 billion US dollars. Probably, this year (touch wood!) we will break a record and make one billion US dollars. I think that the activity of the newly-created Ukrainian- Egyptian Business Council has played a great role in increasing the export of Ukrainian grain, despite the ongoing embargo.

“As for state support, I can say that a vast legal base has been developed between our two countries. Nearly 50 different agreements have been signed, 40 of which are in effect. Twelve different agreements are being prepared, including an agreement on cooperation in the sphere of peaceful outer space exploration. But unfortunately, these agreements are being coordinated very slowly.”

What experience should Ukraine borrow in order to organize recreation so that the Ukrainian coast of the Black Sea can be turned into a resort mecca?

“I think that this would be helped, above all, by renewing the direct link between cities; Sharm Al Sheikh-Yalta, Hurghada-Mykolaiv. This is very important. Second, our deputy commission has started promoting the idea of Egyptian businessmen taking part in holding Euro-12. Frankly speaking, we should not spare money on promoting Ukraine and its possibilities for tourism on the leading TV channels, which are broadcast to the whole world. One often sees ads about Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan on Euronews and Al-Jazeera, a TV channel that all Arabs watch. These are big expenditures, but in time they are returned.

“True, the Egyptians have great experience in training hotel personnel. This is crucial for us. The question is about preparation, starting from the first step of meeting the client on the ground in the airport to settling him in the hotel. We should have started long ago to work on expanding Boryspil Airport. This is the face of our state.”

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